The MDFB Single Issue Tax-Exempt Industrial Revenue Bond Program (the “Tax-Exempt Program”) is an innovative method of financing (i) the acquisition, construction and equipping of qualified manufacturing production facilities and/or equipment, and (ii) refinancing outstanding tax-exempt bonds. The Tax-Exempt Program provides low interest rate loans to qualified borrowers through the issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds by the Board.

The Tax-Exempt program is limited to loans ranging from $400,000 to $10 million for industrial, manufacturing, production, or related support industries. Except for the refinancing of outstanding bond issues, commercial, non-manufacturing, real estate, retail and service projects are not eligible for the Tax-Exempt Program.

Like the Board’s Loan Guarantee Program and Taxable Industrial Revenue Bond Programs, this Tax-Exempt Program works closely with Missouri financial institutions. Under the Tax-Exempt Program each borrower must provide to the Board a Letter of Credit, sufficient guaranty or other credit enhancement to secure its loan.


The MDFB Single Issue Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds Program (the “Taxable Bond Program”) is an innovative method of financing the acquisition, construction and equipping of qualified facilities and/or equipment. All types of retail, commercial and industrial projects qualify for participation in the Taxable Bond Program. The Taxable Bond Program provides competitive rate loans to qualified borrowers through the issuance of private activity, industrial revenue bonds by the Board.

Like the Board’s Guarantee Loan Program and Tax-Exempt Industrial Revenue Bond Program, this Single Issue Program works closely with Missouri financial institutions. Under the Taxable Bond Program, each borrower must provide to the Board a Letter of Credit, sufficient guaranty or other credit enhancement to secure its loan.

The Board encourages the involvement of minority and women-owned businesses in all of its programs and purchases.

For the Board to consider an application, it must be complete with all required attachments or supporting documentation and received by Board staff on the first Monday of the month in which the applicant wishes to be considered. If this date is a state or federal holiday the application is due on the next business day. Applicants are encouraged to work with Board staff prior to submitting the final application to determine if additional information is needed. If sufficient information is not present, the application will be held until a subsequent meeting.